The Last Demonhunter

Complete, Final version here, TLDR 1.0 

Megaupload alternate link 

Game engine: RPG Maker VX Ace (If you never played one before get the RTP here)

Setting: Dark Fantasy

Nutshell synposis: You are a young wannabe demonhunter heading into the world to find your missing sister, obstructed by a lot of monstergirls and tentaclecock, trying to avoid being turned into a monstergirl yourself, or a sex slave of one of them. On your way you uncover a plot to corrupt the demonhunters themselfs!

Adult themes: F/F, F/M, F/Trans, corruption, transformation, mind control, female, male and shemale dominant, female submissive, masturbation, monstergirls, slimes, tentacles, and other delicious goodness.

Design progress and scope: It is an erotic game, of course, but I want you to also be able to sink a few hours into enjoying an actual story, once its done. I expect this game to take quite a while until completion, and intend to make it twice as big as the original(Feel free to check it out, but beware of spoilers and.. its crappy by comparison.)


Lil update for folks asking about guides/Walkthroughs: We have a semi-up to date wiki , see the links on the right. ^^

Sexy Screenshots(click on to enlarge):


  1. Suggestion for massive improvement to the game: Keep track of whether you have encountered a specific creature before, and if you have then any fluff messages you get about arousal or whatever would have at best a 1 in 20 chance of repeating...better yet, never repeat. Especially those infector armor, the messages from those fights are so long and repetitive that it kills the fun of the game.
    Also, demon infections, breederpot impregnation, etc should have a VASTLY reduced chance of affecting you unless you're down to critical health...especially the breederpods since there are so many of them and 3 impregnations = bad end.

    1. I wonder why people have such trouble finding the combat message on/off item. Its clearly explained in the tutorial, its right there among several other key items and the only way to NOT find it, really, is to not really pay attention to detail in the game, but if you do that, you are going to miss out on a lot of hidden naughty areas and content anyway. As for the breedersprouts.. Well, you don't have to fight all of them, do you?

    2. Its all about convenience. we want to see the fluff for the first time or two, and it gets repetitive after that. At the same time well forget to turn it off right away, and its annoying to turn it on and off constantly as we find new creatures....

    3. No, its only inconvenient for you. I Know from people that DO want to see it over and over and play through gameovers multiple times, cause thats how they roll.
      Theres also people that don't want to see any battle messages at all.
      Don't presume that everyone wants things to be like you do, and in that context, giving the player control over when to read battle messages it the best possible option.

    4. One solution would be a skip button who skipped the rest of the dialogue during that interaction.
      No need to do anything fancy just to end.

      It would let you pass it with one click, they are fun but can be repeatable if you fight one monster a lot.

    5. In my opinion the default should be skipped text after first encounter with said text. There should be an option to always play text but I cant believe that a majority of people want that as the default.

    6. The idea of default skipping is kinda neat, I'll consider it for the next game, I could always implement it for this one too, yes, but I feel as if, at this point it'd be more work than it'd be worth,namely a lot, for, again, a questionable improvement for the folks that -like- playing through a fight-loss more than once.

    7. Just got done playing .59, looked on the wiki, seems like I missed a lot. Probably going to head through .6 look up how to get to some of the stuff I missed. But my only issue with the game was the area where you could fall through the floor several times sending you all the way back to the start; retract this comment if there is some item or way to spot the holes before hand. I couldn't find a way or a pattern of the holes. It was the only part I actually became frustrated.

    8. To be fair, I agree with OC
      Having flavor text being an option for only new encounters would be a better option.
      Not trying to be disrespectful of course
      It's like playing FF7 and having to go through those monologues that we all know. It's fun the first time around, but after that, it's just meh

  2. Great game seriously when I got to the end game content Succubus i cried

    1. Awww, working steadily on moar, but good gamestuff takes far moar time than people expect. ^^

    2. I hope the patreon is enough. If you ever feel like taking a hiatus it would stink if money was the reason

    3. Its far from enough to make a living from, but it is enough to supplement my income and be there as a short emergency if all else fails.. its most definitly nice to have.

    4. Can you help me with the succubus route then? I can't figure out how to do/complete it.

  3. Take all the time you need, your content is perfect.

  4. I cant find the secret of the Demonhunter map

  5. Hello fellow members of the game community.

    Question1: Is there any leveling guide that shows which skills the party gains at which level?

    Question2: Is there any kind of seduction skill for the Succubus path? If affirmative, at which level?

    Thanks for reading.

  6. Hey! I´m new here and I realy have to say that your work is quite nice! = ) My Absolute favourite opponent´s were The Lamia Boss and the Corrupted Demon Hunter with the "Special" Breasts ; P

    So now I have a few Questions:

    1a. If enslaved by the Sukkubus: Will (or is) there be a way to get a Revanche? Or will she always say: I should better come back when I got stronger?

    1b. If you beat the Sukkubus AND you helped her in the Court: Will we meet her again? Would be quite damn sweet to have her join the Team (cause I damn like her) ^.^

    2a. Are there (or will there be) other Monster Forms like the Felyne - Form (like Get yourself transformed without a Game Over)

    2b. Will there be (later on) new / more: Impregnation (+ birth), Lesbian, Egg laying, parasyte or Prison / Slave stuff?

    And last but definitelly not least, in the countrary, one of the most important questions!: I (somehow) sense that there IS a way to "not kill" the Girl in front of the . . . ähhh . . . was it the Jade Tower? You Know who I mean ^_^* Sooo . . . if there is a way then HOW can i let it happen? And just out of curiosity: am I right about my guess that she will join you if you safe her? Oh, yeah! Wile we are at it: Will there be more Characters that will join the Team? Are they already planed or do you still want to invent some? = D

    Please answer I am REALLY eager to hear from you! If you don´t dissapoint me I could be your next Fan (Patreon) after all! ; P

    1. 1a: Havent decided yet.
      1b: yes, but.. we already have a fourth companion.
      2a: Yes
      2b: Uhmnn.. some of that for sure. :P Wir werden sehen.
      3. Yes theres a way as for how.. now that'd be telling.
      and.. no she wont joing. Companions are quite a lot of work to write, I got enough work for quite a while with Miay, Rose and Rubia.
      The only thing in that vein is a scene a lot later on where I plan to let you play Ashara for a bit.

      That all said, I answer you because you ask nice, not because of moneys. I have no hesitations shooing a patreon thats rude, or being nice to a fan that doesn't give me money, cause.. thats how I roll, yo.

    2. About the money: I never meant it like that ^~^* I just meant that if you are nice (what you are) I could consider to be a Patreon

      1b. This doesn´t have to mean that there will only be 3 = / To be honest every single RPG until now had the funktion to "change" the order of the characters and more important to choose which companions you will take with you into battle . . . = o (in other words there CAN be more companions that the ones that you actually take into battle) Pretty Please? >~<

      Ah yeah i forgot: Where does we can meet her actually? °_°

      2a. . . . ähm . . . which ones? And how /where can I get em? °.°

      About 3: at first I guess you already read the text above sooo why not? would be quite fun I guess ^_^ I somehow like her and I just LOVE Games with lot´s of different Characters! *.* Besides: I guess the only way to "Spare" her is to loose against her right? = o

      hmmm Wil Miay ever get her True self back? °.°

    3. ah, and i forgot: Du sprichst Deutsch?!? o.0

    4. Wait! Already a fourth companion?!? Where can I get her??? >o<

    5. 'Every single rpg' Hyperbole much?
      Rubio is met in the desert. You can't meet Rubia.. the story will reveal her.
      Yeah, noticed you like lotsa characters. But unless you want characters to be lots of work, or have little impact ont he story, no point making too many.

      Nope, theres a better way to spare her than to lose to her. Not telling more.

      The miay question is a spoiler. Not telling.

      Und natürlich spreche ich Deutsch, schon seit ein paar Jahren, auch irgendwo vorteilhaft so als Deutscher. *chuckles*

    6. Weirdest thing though, you already show up in the patreon notifier. Been one before? *ponderfaces*
      Anyway, dun support me hoping for nice, I'm a big meanie. :P Just look at the twisted stuff I write.

    7. Alsoooo wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe . . . : Rubia kann man (noch) nicht bekommen? Und naja ZU viele Chars wären nicht gut aber zu wenige wärn auch nicht so dolle = / And besides: I fell in love with that cute little Sukkubus ; P

      Can´t you just tell me how to save her? = / I already tried so much different ways! >~< I am already loosing my Sanity Q.Q

      Huh? Was iss Hyperbole?

      Übrigens: Kreierst du die Charactere selbst? (Also design) oder benutzt du irgend ein gewöhnliches Programm? °.°

      Ps: Was für Monster Girl Formen kann man denn noch so bekommen Bzw. werden? Und wo? °_°

    8. Heh! >= ) I don´t care if you are twisted or mean to other as long as you are nice to me XD

  7. Well, I'll try to be nice then. I'm mean to people that are mean to me, simple. But you wouldn't believe the reaction to 'oh, how I make a living? Well, part time I'm working on a lewd hentai game' Anyway..
    Die Sache ist die: Gute NPC's, und ja, ich schreib alle selber, aber ein Künstler kreiert die.. sowas kann man nicht einfach so machen. brauchen Zeit. Viel Zeit. Hypberbole heisst du übertreibst. Nicht ALLE Spiele haben XYZ NPC's.

    Violet hat insgesamt 5 versteckte Hinweise um sie zu retten.

    Monster girls gibt es noch keine anderen im Spiel, es sei denn du zählst bimbo. Geplant sind: Vampir, Puppe, Drache, Fee.. ich vergess bestimmt einen oder zwei hier.. oh, ja, tentacle, Teufel, Engel.

    1. Weiss imemr noch nicht weiter . . . = / bin halt schwer von Begriff XP

      hmmm aber ich denke die meisten RPG´s beeindrucken gerne mit einer netten Anzahl an Chars ^.^

      Naja, wie auch immer alsooo Meine persöhnlichen Monster Girl Favoriten sind: Lamia, Harpie, Arachne, Dunkel Elfe, Werwolf, Felyne, Minotaurus, Bunny Girl (Echtes Bunny Girl also nicht ne blose Verkleidung), Dog-Girl (so wie Felyne aber halt Canide also Hund), Dragon Girl und Dämon (Der traditionele Standart Dämon, also Hörner(Steinbockähnlich), Flügel (Fledermausähnlich), Dämonen Schweif(dünn, lang und am ende entweder Pick, Herz oder Pfeil Form)) . . . hmm . . . an sich mag ich auch Sukkubus aber . . . die Sache is die: In Hentai Games bevorzuge ich zum Großteil den Faktor (Rape) Ein Sukkubus jedoch ist ein Sex Dämon und als solcher ist es eher unwahrscheinlich dass dieser wirklich "unfreiwillig" in sein eigenes "Element" verwickelt wird wodurch der Faktor Rape für einen Sukkubus der ja gerade eben das am liebsten tut ausfällt = /

      Ps: Es gibt eine Verwandlung die ich bisher leider nur selten gesehn habe die aber definitif zu meinen Favoriten zählt (Obwohl das kein Monster Girl is): Verjüngung, also dass die Protagonistin sich plötzlich in ein kleines süsses Girlie zurückverwandelt Bzw.: in ihr eigenes Jüngeres ich also im Grunde genommen verjüngert wird = P

      Wär cool vielleich ein Paar von denen zu sehn -^.^-

    2. Die meisten RPGS villeicht. Das Beste Spiel aller zeiten hat nicht einen einzigen, von daher... Heh. Auf Deutsch klingt das alles so seltsam 'Der Faktor Rape' Heh.
      Es wird in diesem Spiel nichts minderjähriges geben, aus verschiedenen rechtlichen Gründen.
      Ansonsten.. naja, Patreons können sich schon gewisse Sachen wünschen.

      Was die mühe angeht: Es geht mehr um Aylas charakter + Bonus Xp.

    3. Welches iss das Beste? °.°
      Hmm . . . damit also einige meiner Favoriten vorkommen müsste ich Patreon sein? = o Das wär soooo geil sie als süsses Minotaurus girl mit ner riesigen War-Axe zu sehn! .*.*. (Süsse Kuh-Ohren + Kleine Kuh Hörner + ein Langer Kuh Schweif + vielleicht sogar Hufe + oder sogar ne Glocke um den Hals! >o<) "Träum" ~*.*~

    4. Undertale.
      Minotaur -girl wäre definitiv möglich, aber um dir eine Vorstellung zu geben, die Variation alleine würd so 20 $ kosten. Deswegen ist sowas tier 20 oder 30, weiss nimmer, patreon.

    5. tier 20? Was für ein Tier? °_°

      Hehe Undertale XD Iss zwar nich das Beste aber Definitif cool ^.^ . . . Ich sucke aber gerade bei Undyne =.= . . . Ich hasse die >.<

      Ps: Meine Nummer eins ist (und wird immer sein) Trails in the Sky *.* Ewiges Lieblings Game! >.< Dannach Elsword und Crimson Tears ; P

    6. Siehe Patreon. Wenn du undertale noch nicht durchhast vestehst du auch noch nicht den vollen Reiz. :P

  8. Vergessen zu erwähnen: Wenn Vio sowieso kein Partner Character wird wieso soll man sich dann die Mühe machen die zu retten? = o

  9. Hey . . . bist du noch da . . . ? . . . Und hast du meine Frage bezüglich das Problem mit der Spinne gelesen? °_°

    1. Ich bin noch da, was ist los? Ich lösche Kommentare die absolut nicht zu einem Thema passen, oder inkorrekte informationen enhalten damit andere sie nicht lesen und auch Sachen falsch machen, ist notwendig.

    2. Nochmal, dein Kommentar gibt falsche informationen, auf der Hauptseite des spiels. Wir haben eine 'bug reports' subsektion aus guten Gründen, wenn das wirklich ein bug ist. Geh dahin, und, wenn du nett bist, gib mir auch noch einen screenshot damit ich weiss, was genau das Problem ist.

    3. Hää??? es gibt n Bug Reports? °_° Und nochmal is das nich da ich das zum ersten mal hör °.°

      . . . Wie mach ich denn n Screen Shot? °.°

    4. ok, das jemand die bug reports nicht sieht kann ich ja fast verstehen aber screenshot?... weist du denn was google ist?

    5. Hä? Hat dein Game keine Eigene Screenshot Funktion??? °_° . . . ähm . . . falls nicht . . . wie macht mans bei ner Lap Top? Wusste nicht mal dass das geht . . . °.° : It crackes my "bones" that I didn´t knew . . . hehe get it? XD

    6. hmm ... das heisst wohl nein ... hmm naja bis ich rausgefunden hab wie man screenshot macht kannst du ja erstal aussprobieren was passiert wenn Ayla von der Spinne entführt wird und man dann wenn man Flüchtet und Miay die neue Anführerin ist, das Menü öffnet = P (musst nicht) würde aber einfacher und schneller gehn bis ich das Screenshot davon hab = D falls du nicht willst dann warte einfach ab bis das Bild vom Bug kommt ; )

  10. I'm not sure if its just me being dumb not seeing it, but there should be a volume mixer or just a thing to switch off music. This is a great gamei can't wait till you update it some more!

  11. Hey there. Really love this game. I was wondering if there is any kind of walkthrough for this? I'm not sure how to trigger certain event flags.

    The debug item mentions a bad path but I'm not sure how to get onto that.

  12. Awesome game, loads of fun.
    One of the few games its fun to lose:)

    Only thing I would like would be more cases where losing not ended the game but gave an fun debuff like the monsters before the jade tower, or even an bonus like the plant girls.
    And yes I notice you never die, game over leaves you alive and in most cases happy, you are the only one running around killing stuff.
    Of to support:)

    Finaly how do I play 0.52, I downloaded and overwrote 0.51 however this does not work.

    1. I have no idea what you did just overwriting things, just download 0.52 and play it normally, you can copy your saves over.

      As for the rest.. Thankies, and actually, the next enemy I'm writing, the Bee Girls, will do just what you ask for.

  13. I cannot play the game. After I download it and try to extract the game, an error message comes up. I have tried to re-download multiple times and it hasn't helped. Am I doing something wrong?

    P.S. Great looking game.

    1. You need the RTP, either download the version with it and install, or google it out, for VX ACE.

    2. Say I have the RTP and it won't work for me. The error message says something 'bout SmartScreen. Don't even know what the bugger its talkin' 'bout.

      ...Please help, your name looks frickin' awesome. :)

      P.S. I ain't the same Anon from up above, but you should, like, help me right away. I'll give you cookies and shit, I swear.

    3. I ain't an expert trouble shooter, but if the rp installed properly thats something in your system being awol I fear.

  14. Gah, I was afraid that'd be the answer! Ah well, if I don't figure it out I'm sure life will still prove to be even more disappointing in the future; why sweat this minor annoyance?

    Thanks for the quick reply! Keep being awesome and all that. :3

  15. just played the game, it's really great ! I wish you good luck in the making of it ^v^

  16. Hi, I downloaded today, and after installation and switching appears: RPGVXAce RTP is required to run this game.
    What I have to do to make the game work.
    I apologize in advance for my English

  17. Hey, just wanted to say great game, nice gameplay, good writing. But you guys are really lacking a good CG artist. Not in terms of quality mind you (character sprites seem good), but in terms of quantity. I was sorely missing the game over CGs and such. The single best scene I had so far was the one in the library with the insect, that was WELL DRAWN. A shame most endings do not really have a lot of CG... :(

    1. There is literally a patreon goal to give every last ending a unique picture, reached it once before dropping back down, so only one unique ending picture is in the pipeline, but feel free to go over there and check it out if you want moar. Art isn't cheap.

    2. I am well aware, there was no ill intend behind the comment. :)

      I still very much appreciate what you are doing and I hope you'll be able to find a good (maybe a regular) artist in the future.

      I would love to help, but unfortunately my talent lies in words, not in drawing...

  18. 1 of the top Rpg Maker games I've played.

  19. Would there happen to be a list of the current endings?

  20. Its possible to get full corruptoon status, just to see what happens?

  21. Can i ask why there are pictures of ayla with tentacles on her back?

  22. Deva, What is #Xx_hardcoreSwag69Yoloprogrammit_xX? Can you help me?

  23. I feel like in shock... This game seems like it should be paid for instead of free... It's a great game, good job to you developers! Thank you all so much for making it free too!! I will consider supporting on Patreon but I don't work so I have no income yet :(.

    1. I take that compliment but refuse to oblige. :P There's a few great games for free out there, which continue to inspire me to keep things free, however -when you can afford it- donations are always welcome, be they over a time or a one time showing of grattitude, it's a proof that 'our system' is better than putting the game up for 10$ on some websites or w/e.

  24. I keep hearing about a succubus path how do you start on that?

  25. I'm having trouble finding all four books for the insect ending, I found three of them but slightly unsure which one I'm missing. Any tips?

  26. is anyone having problems extracting the new update to the game? For some reason the extraction failed. So I am unable to lay the game.

  27. While i was playing the game. I apparently died on contact with the doll. I was spooked. 1-hit kills just terrify me. So far though besides getting spooked I find this game amazing.

  28. One thing i like about this game is that I can use a controller to play too.

    1. Even more amazing, I never added...


  29. How to escape the demonhunter tower after defeating Ashara and having the countdown running?!

  30. I want to say that I'm excited you guys are so ever close to finishing the game! When I first played this game two years ago, I reached the end of the content and knew I had to wait until you guys finished to play the game once again. As three years are put into production for this game I wanted to express my absolute hype for this game to be finished. I hope you guys have a wonderful time continuing production!

    1. Heh. Thankies. Sorry for the belated response, almost missed this one. Game creation takes crazy time for a single person, I will never deny that. I'm certain that even if this was my full-time job I'd not get it done in under a year.

  31. Out of curiosity, with the Angel character is it possible to be turned into a angel hero in the future? Also will their be a way to unlock and keep the harem girl costume?

    1. You turn angelic if you do good!

      And there is a way to unlock that costume already, unless you mean have it all the time?

  32. I love this game as well as the order of light.
    The storys just draw me in awesome!

  33. how to get to the castle in auralis city?
    i´m there and a maid talked to me that there´s a side entrance, but if i go there i get the maid ending...
    tried to avoid it but impossible
    how to get in?

  34. Anyone have a .sav file from the mainland , for some reason it seems by 0.97 is somewhat corrupt and causes issues.

  35. hey is ther some kind of guide /walktru ?

  36. Hi, i want to ask you how the corruption rate gets bigger, because i play to the final end and its the same place, and it doesnt gets bigger

  37. i have a question is there a walkthrough for this game? I got a little lost after I had this Miko Temple thing.
