Saturday, March 21, 2020

Paraworld Heroes 3.1 - The Goblin Cave

Going deeper into the cave of the goblins, Eric and his friends seem to come so very close to the last chambers in this release.
 While they are still trying to not get captured, it looks like Naoko and Maria too can be taken prisoners by these little green guys now. 

But there seems to be a new unknown factor! Aurora seems to sense the problems the girls have with the goblin pheromones and is ready to help them release the desire it awakens within them. Currently Yuuni/Gine and Saya are in need of her services. Hopefully the other girls will be alright in your care until the next release! 

~Speaking about, next up: Working on  Maid castle.. for TLDH, is up on our Patreon right now, one of the few good things to come out of Corona-quarantine things is more time to work on game updates, yay!


  1. dahm seems fun :)!

  2. So, for some reason, it won't start for me. The application does appear in the task manager, but it won't actually show anything. Are there any necessary programs to run this?
