Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Last Demonhunter 0.68

-Basically, just the conclusion of the pyramid area, with one new futalicious gameover if you lose against the Mummy-leader.

Next week, Aggra will be finished filling the city of Ameria with lewd side-npcs, and the week after I'm poking myself into finishing up the rest of the Desert town quest, to move into some Desert banditry and the completion of this area!


  1. I thought I should let you know that the Pyramid area is somewhat buggy. The majority of the walls and terrain are not solid, so you can walk through almost everything. You can even walk around the "End Game Succubi" that appear outside the Pyramid after completing the area, as the terrain next to them is not solid. There is also no exit to the Pyramid area, even before completing it, besides talking to an "End Game Succubus" or using the UNSTUCK key item.

    1. Second is not a bug but you not supposed to go on further, first should be fixed in next release.

  2. How do I enter fullscreen again? I forgot and can't find any controls.

  3. Everytime A mummygirl is encountered, including the boss, it auto dominates on the start of the fight.

    1. Well, thats annoying and.. doesn't quite make sense with the code, anyone else getting this issue, first time I hear of it, but I get a lot of reports.
