Sunday, June 23, 2024

Dark Recruitment 1.0 - Full release

Find the Game here:

Game engine: Twine/html

Setting: Dark Fantasy

Nutshell synposis:  Your peaceful town is invaded by the forces of an the Evil Queen, a near godlike entity trying to create a corrupted world of her own design.

Adult themes: F/F, F/M, F/Trans, Corruption, mind control, more mind control, transformation, Bestiality, Female and Shemale dominant, Female submissive, piercings and other delicious goodness.

Design progress and scope: We are done, yay! I'd consider this one of the larger CYOA/Visual Novel style games out there, hope ya enjoy trying to avoid all the lewd bad endings!


The codings!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Working progress report

 I am determined to tell more about our process we go through, so here goes!

We are, infact, not all lazing about, we've just started an alpha idea for a collaboration we're tinkering on, news to come as we got more solid things, and I am personally working on finishing a Twine game, another entry in the lewd Gameover Elventale series.

Be patient, but unafraid, we still exist and write moar loods.

Oh, and an addition, as one or two folks questioned us: I will not exclude the idea of using Ai art in our games, but often I like a specific, coherrent artstyle more, so much so that I'd rather spent some money feeding another human being than safe some and use ai generated lewds. 

