Sunday, August 4, 2024

Forbidden Book 3.0.6 - Jelly Beach

Find The Game Here:


Sorry for being this slow in the recent updates, work is hell and keeps me from doing programming at the moment. Always wanna say it looks like it will get better, but something always fucks up my schedule, so I don't wanna make any promises...

 In this update, I created two new maps that can be started by talking to the adventurer girl in the elven city after you had talked to everyone. One will be the jelly map that I had already given out for bug testing, but since the map was a real pain and had many problems, I wanted to make it work properly before making an official release. The second map is the slime map I had talked about on the discord, with evil slimes getting inside the girls and taking away their minds! I have made some art for the slimes, but it isn't finished completely yet.


 Next up/on the Patreon: Elven Tale VIII, small, but full release!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TLDH smoll update notes

 Smoll update to TLDH with some QoL bugfixes, been on our Discord for a while, but I am a big stoopid and forgot to update it -here-, the literal first page I want folks to look so point and laugh ooor just DL the update here! The most bug Free TLDH version ever!

No new content. Although heh, a small part of me wants to do a little poll, if only we didn't have so many endings, to see which you'd prefer.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Progress update Character for our new Projct - Misato


 Hey hey folks, as with all games, there's development time, but, as promised before, we want to at least keep you in the Loop:

Misato might be the protagonist of our new planned game. As part of a governmental organisation, she works as an agent that investigate all kinds of ciminal cases, with a heavy focus on undercover and mind control related cases.


The normal suit is used by all agents and enhances their physical capabilities beyond any womans prime;  But the head gear can be used by the agent as part of a next generation device that can recieve information directly into their minds!

When a massive underground Crime Ring uses one of the hackers they kidnapped and brainwashed, they developed a virus that can be uploaded to all devices simultanously if they are/get connected to the network, brainwashing the agents(Details of the Agency still to be determined, Definitly not Futa Aliens ooooh). After seeing a few of her friends get brainwashed this way, Misato swears to stop the organisation and rescue her friends from their evil clutches.

Misato is a very headstrong and confident person, that values her friends above all else. With a very strong sense for justice and rightousness, she knew she wanted to become part of the police force from a young age. Because of her excellency in academia, as well as her success in athletic tournaments, she was soon recruited by the government as one of their elite agents. 

Despite her young age, she has distinguished herself as a prodigy and one of the governments elite agents now, taking on the most difficult jobs she can find.

Let's hope nothing lewd happens to her!


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Dark Recruitment 1.0 - Full release

Find the Game here:

Game engine: Twine/html

Setting: Dark Fantasy

Nutshell synposis:  Your peaceful town is invaded by the forces of an the Evil Queen, a near godlike entity trying to create a corrupted world of her own design.

Adult themes: F/F, F/M, F/Trans, Corruption, mind control, more mind control, transformation, Bestiality, Female and Shemale dominant, Female submissive, piercings and other delicious goodness.

Design progress and scope: We are done, yay! I'd consider this one of the larger CYOA/Visual Novel style games out there, hope ya enjoy trying to avoid all the lewd bad endings!


The codings!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Working progress report

 I am determined to tell more about our process we go through, so here goes!

We are, infact, not all lazing about, we've just started an alpha idea for a collaboration we're tinkering on, news to come as we got more solid things, and I am personally working on finishing a Twine game, another entry in the lewd Gameover Elventale series.

Be patient, but unafraid, we still exist and write moar loods.

Oh, and an addition, as one or two folks questioned us: I will not exclude the idea of using Ai art in our games, but often I like a specific, coherrent artstyle more, so much so that I'd rather spent some money feeding another human being than safe some and use ai generated lewds. 



Friday, May 10, 2024

Forbidden Book 3.05

Get the Game here! 

-First of all, everyone excuse the delay, it's mainly been for personal reasons, change of workplace, etc etc, lotsa chaos, but we are still alive, and back at it!

With the new update, you will be able to do the first repeatable map that I wanted to do for the game.

 It's not as much content as usual, but since I have taken so long, I at least want to make a small update. The map will feature the first brainwashing of the evil elves that stomps the heads of the poor girls into the ground to show them how weak they are. 

Cowering in fear they will rather betray their friends and join the enmy army, than to be "killed" by the evil captain that towers in front of them. I also put in new warps for the chapter selection that now covers all of the maps, including the newest one, as well as allowing for a quick way to unlock all memories in the game.


Next up/ On the Patreon: Dark Recruitment 1.0 - The Final version.