Sunday, July 25, 2021

Forbidden Book 2.8 - The Truth hidden in Kalnea

 Forbidden Book 2.8



With this update you will be able to take on the first quest, a little story of a wonderful lord that makes his citizens tell the real truth to all the girls that enter the city. Of course the real truth is not... the real real truth, but the real truth.


 You can brainwash all the girls in the map, but the transition currently doesn't work... right. My guess is that SRPG can't make multi map quests, so I guess I will need to find another way to do it later on, so you basically have two quests, Fern and Fern 2 to get to the second map. Since the transition doesn't work corretcly you can enjoy the bad end on the second map. You also have the events for Collete and Lokernia with the Reina brainwashing path in the castle/base area. Just talk to Colette in the castle and go from there


Next up/on the Patreon: Dark Recruitment 0.72